• Hi, I'm Vasu!

    Incoming Software Engineer at PayPal '21.

  • Welcome to my website!

    Thanks for stopping by, I hope you enjoy your visit.

Some things about me

Vasu Goel

An assiduous senior majoring in Computer Science with proficient technical and problem-solving skills, looking to transform business requirements into technical solutions. Self-learning Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence through research and development. Passionate about implementing and launching innovative projects.

I would love to hear from you if you have any questions or just want to chat over coffee sometime!

Data Structures



Data Science

Some places I Worked at


Microsoft Technology Associate - Java Trainee DEC 2018 - JAN 2019

  • Java trainee in the Microsoft Summer Training 2018 program
  • Skills and knowledge to write, debug and maintain well-formed, well documented Java code
  • Took the Microsoft Exam 98-388 and scored 96% to become Microsoft Certified 2019
  • Got certified as Microsoft Technology Associate for Introduction to Programming using Java
  • Built rudimentary version of the games like hangman and scrabble and also implement the Caesar Cipher algorithm to encrypt and decypt messages
See credential
Some places I studied at


I'm currently a senior undergraduate student in the Computer Science and Engineering program at SRM University. I am expecting to graduate in 2021 but I will let you know how it goes.

I have been a member of Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE), since freshman year. I have also been an active participant in most of our technical and cultural fests.

My current Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) upto junior year is 9.22

I graduated with a final average of 90%.

During high school, I was accorded the school Prefect, and was authorized to enforce discipline for the academic years 2015-2017. I received 'Star Gold' badge (highest academic honor in our school) during each year's Scholar Badge Ceremony, throughout my Primary and Secondary Education.

Some things I picked up

My Skills

These are some skills I've picked up on the training, during school, or on my own!



Data Science




ML, Deep Learning & AI










Full-Stack Web Development (MERN)



Days of Coding
Days of Training
Days of Meditating
Some things I'm proud of


I created üAutomate - Intelligent Home Automation System to control your entire house with Smart Sensing, Voice Control, Remote Control and even Web Control. I collaborated with one of my hardware enthusiast friend to make all the hardware design and circuitry possible. Users can register on the üAutomate website to access their web dashboard to control their house.

Check out project on GitHub!

Learned about R Basics, Data Visualization, Probability, Inference and Modelling, Productivity Tools, Wrangling, Linear Regression, Machine Learning and completed the Capstone.

Check out code on GitHub!

See credential

I completed the five course specialization on deep learning taught by Andrew Ng, deeplearning.ai on Coursera.

See crendential

Scored 91% in Microsoft Exam 98-381 to become Microsoft Certified 2019, and be recognized as Microsoft Technology Associate for Introduction to Programming using Python.

I worked on a few interesting projects, showcasing my expertise in Object Oriented Progamming (OOP) using Python by creating rudimentary version of the games like hangman and scrabble and also implement the Caesar Cipher algorithm to encrypt and decypt messages.

See crendential

Scored 96% in Microsoft Exam 98-388 to become Microsoft Certified 2019, and be recognized as Microsoft Technology Associate for Introduction to Programming using Java.

Earners of the MTA: Introduction to Programming Using Java validates the skills and knowledge to write, debug and maintain well-formed, well documented Java code. The MTA program provides an appropriate entry point to a future career in technology.

See crendential

Some things I enjoy



Internet of things


Some ways to Get in Touch

connect with me

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions, I would love to hear from you!

Check out my website @vasugoel.com